1. Diabetes and complications like neuropathy, nephropathy, foot ulcers
2. Chronic leg ulcers e.g. vascular ulcers, etc.
3. Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis
4. Hypertension, heart disease
5. Kidney disease including patients on dialysis
6. Sickle cell disease (to reduce crisis)
7. Male and female infertility (if blocked tubes have been ruled out as a cause)
8. Chronic body aches and pains e.g. back, waist pain, arthritis, chronic pelvic pain, etc.
9. Erectile dysfunction
10. HIV (to reduce complications)
11.Cancers (to retard progression)
12. Hepatitis (to reduce viral load, liver disease (to retard progression)
13. Difficulty with wound healing, e.g. postoperative, etc.
14. Asthma, allergies
15. Glaucoma, cataract
16. Skin disorders, wrinkled and aging skin
17. Difficulty with sleeping
18. Autism
19.Gastritis(Stomach ulcers)
20. Anyone at 40 years and above who wants a healthy life and wants to prevent the above problems!
*NOTE: CELLGEVITY does not cure any illness. It enhances the human body’s ability to produce the most powerful natural antioxidant in the world called Glutathione, our God given disease fighter.
To order for your pack of Cellgevity at an affordable price, please call/whatsapp 08186899594